The Coburg West School Community Group (CWSCG), (formerly Parents and Friends Association) was formed to enable families of students at the school to play an active role in their children's education and in school events. It is a vital part of the school community and represents our families at the school.Our purposeThe CWSCG is a Sub-Committee of the School Council with a Terms of Reference. Our aims and objectives are:
You're a member - congratulations!All current parents, teachers and friends of the school are automatically members of the CWSCG. We encourage anyone and everyone to get involved in whatever capacity they can. Our children will spend at least seven years at the school, so getting involved in the School Community Group is a great way to build relationships with people that you can share the journey with, whilst helping the school.How the magic happens - Parent Class Representatives
In 2019 we launched a new program - Parent Class Representatives (Reps). This program seeks to make it easier for parents to be involved in their child's community through parents volunteering as Parent Class Reps. This role supports the classroom teacher (if requested); to co-ordinate help in the classroom or on excursions, assist with communicating information to parents through a class email list & they will arrange the fun community stuff - catch-ups & team volunteering. If you think this sounds great & would like to know more, please read the position description and the information package that contains; code of conduct, selection process & more. You can apply here.Activities
Recent fundraising activities have supported improvements in areas of school facilities, creating a community space, supporting grade 6 graduation, student and school events, literacy, playground upgrades, outdoor landscaping and ICT needs.Some of the social, fundraising and community activities of the CWSC are:
Got a great idea for an activity you'd like to run? Fill out this checklist and send it to us by email so we can review it.
CommunicationYou can keep informed of what we are doing through the CWSCG:
MeetingsWe meet each month alternating between school hours & evenings, to discuss ideas for improvements, fundraising activities, plan social events, or to assist with arrangements for school activities.
Purchases and Payments
You can now easily pay for many of our events online via the Qkr App. You can find more information about this app here.The good stuffAll of our events take place through the support of our parent community, whether it’s a meeting or a school function, we would love to see you. This kind of magic doesn’t just happen, it takes a group of people who are willing to give when and how they can, it’s a beautiful thing!We look forward to welcoming you to the CWSCG!
You can contact us by email: and the Facebook page.
Please freel free to nominate for an office bearer role here
The 2022 CWSCG office bearers are:
PRESIDENT - Betsy Dray
VICE PRESIDENT - Kate Thompson
SECRETARY - Bridget Morris