Please find attached information updates on the Parent Payment Arrangements. Click here for information and to access the Fee Schedule Forms.
Term 1 30 January - 4 AprilTerm 2 23 April - 4 JulyTerm 3 21 July - 19 SeptemberTerm 4 6 October - 19 December
What you need to do to enrol for PREP 2025: Contact our school on 9386 1286, to book a school tour or to learn more about our school and the enrolment application process Submit an enrolment application for Foundation (Prep) by Friday 26 July 2024. Please click here for more information.
Qkr App for easy online transactions
Please watch this presentation if you'd like some ideas of ways to help your child read at home and explore the attachments for support in other areas of literacy.
2023 saw the introduction of Sustainiability Leaders at Coburg West to support oiur journed towards becoming a Resource Smart School.See how far we've come!
As we can't conduct school tours right now here's a virtual tour of our school with our Principal Mark Colagrande. If you're thinking of enroling your child at Coburg West for 2024 - the time is now!
HONOURING OUR SCHOOL: A Century of Learning at Coburg West Primary School 1917-2017
After the psychologist Michael Carr Gregg's webinar - "Managing the Coronacoaster – Tips for building resilient families" he shared some resources please have a look to see if any are useful for your family.
Read every class' amazing stories here!
Welcome to our first Transition experience.